Basin Sizer
Basin Sizer is Now Available OnlineThe Basin Sizer Program allows users to find information useful for sizing stormwater basins in California. A web-based version of Basin Sizer with a new trash sizing feature is can be found here: New Features in Version 1.4California Stormwater Quality Association (CASQA) Methods - Three approaches to sizing BMPs from CASQA's 2003 California Stormwater BMP Handbook, New Development and Redevelopment have been added. Updated Numbers - Rainfall data through 2005 have been used to recalculate water quality volumes and flows for all methods. Improved Help - All of the BMP sizing methods now have easily accessible help and procedures, just click on the boxes with question marks to the right of the methods. New User Interface - The results of the Maximized Volume Method are no longer presented as a grid of numbers. The user can now select drawdown times and runoff coefficients from dropdown boxes. This makes it easier to understand the method and allows users to input any runoff coefficient between 0.30 and 1. Printing - The results of Basin Sizer can now be sent to a printer. Changes from 1.45 to 1.47Updated the Caltrans tab to use the 85th percentile 24-hr storm and moved the other methods to the historic tab. To install, unzip the file and run setup. Download the older desktop version of Basin Sizer Version1.47, 18.8 MB (Requires administrative privilges to install) Basin Sizer Online is recommended for most users. |